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Family photos at the creek – the Earea family

'We're not beach people' said Leesh in her questionnaire. 'And we don't want photos at home'. I love her honesty because it meant that her family photography session would end up being something they love, and not something that felt awkward or not authentic to them.

It's winter, so they rugged up and headed for the creek. The boys threw a million rocks back into the creek, Dad 'accidentally' threw rocks too close to Mum, and Mum realised she's just as good at skipping stones as she was in the good old days.

We stopped for photos along the way and let the boys explore the tracks. And the Earea family got both a perfect Sunday afternoon adventure and some updated photos for their walls.

If you're not beach people, you might find some inspiration on my 78 kid-approved family photo ideas or if you have something else in mind, get in touch, I'm all ears.

Take a peek at the gallery below.

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